ElbArt studio in collaboration with the jewelry designer Enbar Shetrit are excited to present to you a necklace based on the work of art displayed in Hatofim Square and traveling in exhibitions around the world , created in a cross-media collaboration, a connection born out of a common desire to spread the value of the connection between us all and to support all those who are hurt!
The light of unity that characterizes us more than anything, proved itself again on that black Sabbath. When everything around us went out we chose to reach out to each other. To support, to be strong, to care and to remember that when we are together there is nothing that will break our nation. This is the real Star of David. This is us. Protect each other.
The painting was created with a unique technique of drawing in one line, there are no differences, no separations, there is unity.
The flow of the line from hand to hand is our strength in front of the world and within us since forever.